
Sky High

Sky High

REMNANTS of everything

Let it be known that the most astonishing vision your brain could imagine can be painted with the artisan talent of a Leonardo or a Vermeer.

Salvador Dali, Diary of a Genius, May 7, 1953 entry

Drawings and paintings from the mind illustrate imaginary and timeless worlds and places.


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Living at the edge of the world, on the Earth’s largest body of water, and paired with my past imaginings firmly anchored on dry land, my focus for this work turned to the infinite sea and its creatures that we hardly know.  This work explores Surrealism and Pop Surrealism juxtaposing unlikely, impossible, and irrational images to present a future sea world without us.


Primsmacolor on Black Paper

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Essence of Life suite looks at life on the molecular level through abstract interpretations of micro organisms photographed under an electron scanning microscope. Each image symbolizes life’s unstoppable evolutionary determination to survive no matter the environmental conditions. The images depict a petri dish of reproducing and growing cells, the essence of life. Bacteria are one of the hardiest organisms with some such as Tardigrades able to live in the heat, cold and vacuum of space.


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Biological Time Clock (BTC) suite portrays organic elements and symbols of past and future life. Life always finds a way to survive and the BTC is the manifestation of the advance of time and life through space. Machined rings represent the remnants of humanity, manufactured things that bind everything together. The rings suggest we had technology and the knowledge necessary to sustain an environment supportive of human life, but too many lived in denial. Abstract feathers symbolize the flight of time, and now that we are only represented by machined rings, there is no need for numbers or divisions of time. Time is a constant in the universe, and after us there is no debate or interpretation of times relevance. Translucent and transparent spheres represent the essence of life, archetypal life forms that spread throughout space and time, symbolizing a new beginning again and again and again.

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Remnants of Industry and Husks of Humanity

Remnants of Industry exist all around us, they are familiar. They poison our soil and water, pollute our air while decomposing and assimilating slowly back into the earth. Remnants of Industry are markers from the past that, like sediment layers from an ancient sea bed, mark the time and extent of their impacts on human life. Steaming and off-gassing continues as nuclear reactors continue to melt down and uranium 235 continues to decay slowly over 708 million years. At the same time new plant forms and other biological organisms grow over and around the remnants of industry.

Husks of Humanity depicts the bleached shells of human habitation that remain after us. They are in a state of decomposition, washed clean of paint and soot. Like the Remnants of Industry, the Husks of Humanity stand as another marker in time of humanity’s technological advancements and yet the inability of technology to save us.



Equilibrium is when the environment recovers from the exploitation of economies, war and selfishness. Images of environmental equilibrium are conjured from imagination, they are what might be instead of what will be after us.


Drawing and painting on site provides a deeper understanding about the cultural and historic qualities of a place.

Chichenitza, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Chichenitza, Quintana Roo, Mexico


Black and white photography is a way of seeing that emphasizes character without the influence of color.

Ramsis at Memphus, Egypt

Ramsis at Memphus, Egypt